5 Benefits of using a Konjac Sponge

A konjac sponge may look like a cross between a coral, sea sponge and loofah but it’s actually something much more. It’s a naturally powerful facial cleanser that is made from the root of the Japanese konjac plant and is used to remove dirt, oil buildup and black heads for deep cleansing pores and refresh tired or dry complexions. Its effectiveness can be enhanced with mixing of different ingredients to create sponges for different skin types. With some many different kinds of sponges available, it becomes difficult to understand which one is right for you. To help you better understand what benefits you can avail by using a konjac sponge, we have compiled a list below. 

·         It can cleanse your skins of numerous blemishes such dirt, black heads, oil build ups, white heads and numerous other unpleasant things.

·         Another benefit is that it helps with makeup application and keeps your makeup on much longer. The sponge removes dark skin flakes and keeps your skin moisturized. This your skin to react to skin care products more effectively. It also makes your skin bouncy and makes it release its natural oil.

·         Other benefits of using konjac sponges includes the treatment of clogged pores and acne. The sponge’s fibers unclog your pores and makes your skin smooth and vivid.  It also helps with sun burnt skin as it removes dead skin cells that gives way to newer and fresher skin. It also effectively removes those stubborn sun screen spots that don’t come off with a cleaner.

·         Gentle cleansing is what sets the konjac sponges from other skin care products. If you have sensitive skin then this is perfect for you. It does all its cleansing with damaging skin cells. They are so soft that they can even be used to shower babies.

·         The last benefit of using konjac sponges is that they make your skin radiant. It can help you clean your skin, improve your complexion and help you get skin that is not marred by pimples and other blemishes and makes it whiter and brighter. The more you use the konjac sponge, the better its effects will be.

One last benefit that’s worth mentioning is that it helps you reduce the number of skin products that you usually use by offering an all in one solution. If you are interested in buying konjac sponge, you can find multiple konjac sponge company based in China and numerous part of the East.


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